Reiki for Infertility, Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn

Reiki is supportive therapy for those who are trying to conceive, pregnant women, their partners, and the unborn child. It is perfectly safe during all stages of the maternity cycle and is a wonderful compliment to traditional medicine.

Conceiving a child is not simple for everyone and can be a very emotionally painful and draining experience. However, finding your inner-strength throughout the process is an empowering coping mechanism. Reiki offers a simple approach to coping with conception struggles by easing your stress, doubts, fears, emotions running amuck, and physical bodily changes that result from hormone treatments.

During pregnancy, tests recently conducted at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut showed that Reiki used during pregnancy reduced anxiety by 94 percent, nausea by 80 percent, pain by 78 percent and improved sleep by 86 percent.

Reiki can help you and baby as it…
Restores harmony and balance to your body’s changing hormone levels
Eases morning sickness
Relieves back pain
Replenishes fatigue with a wash of new energy
Eases stress on legs and feet
Soothes Mother and Child
Prepares you physically, emotionally and spiritually for labor and delivery

Postpartum can bring with it amazing joy and sheer exhaustion, sometimes even depression.

For Mom:
Reiki helps reduce the emotional roller coaster of adjusting to a new baby and encourages a quicker recovery from delivery


For Baby:
Reiki helps reduce your little one’s anxiety, sleep problems, and colic, thus enhancing a sense of peace and calm.

 Upcoming Classes 2024